AQUADEX (Aquaculture Development Expertise) Perencanaan dan pembangunan area budidaya masa kini


Aquaculture Development Expertise

Planning and development of contemporary cultivation areas

Our Services

Land Survey

Land Survey

Analysis of physical, chemical, and biological parameters based on actual land conditions

Detailed Enginering Design (DED)

Detailed Enginering Design (DED)

Detail project drawings/location plans, budget cost estimation (RAB), and reference for profit-loss analysis calculation of shrimp cultivation business

Pond Construction

Pond Construction

Innovative easy-to-install circular ponds that can be combined with Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS

Mencapai keberhasilan budidaya udang dengan berorientasi kepada 3P (Profit, People, Planet)

Achieving success in shrimp farming with a focus on the 3P approach (Profit, People, Planet)

Image: FisTx circular pond installation with RAS in Tasikmalaya